当前位置:首页 > 加固资讯 > 纤维网格增强超高韧性水泥基材料加固混凝土圆柱受压性能试验


发布日期:2018-12-27 10:14:23     点击次数:3988次     来源:中国复合材料学会



摘 要:为提升纤维增强聚合物基复合材料(FRP)在加固材料中的优势和发挥效率,同时克服传统纤维网格增强砂浆(TRM)的抗裂性差的缺点,将超高韧性水泥基材料(ECC)替代砂浆作为FRP网格无机黏结剂的新型复合材料(FRP GRID/PE-ECC)已被提出。基于该材料在加固工程的可行性,但仍缺乏相关的基础研究。本研究重点研究FRP GRID/PE-ECC加固混凝土柱的加固机理,以标准混凝土圆柱为试验对象,采用新型ECC材料为基材的FRP GRID/PE-ECC复合材,以不同素混凝土强度、不同网格材料(玄武岩纤维增强聚合物基复合材料(BFRP)与碳纤维增强聚合物基复合材料(CFRP)网格)为试验变量,研究了该加固方式下对混凝土轴心受压性能的影响。试验结果表明,该加固方法可有效改善素混凝土脆性压溃破坏模式,提高峰值强度及受压延性。基于FRP GRID/PE-ECC材性特征,提出两阶段FRP GRID/PE-ECC加固机制,并基于该机制提出加固素混凝土圆柱承载力计算方法。


Abstract: In order to make full use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) in retrofitting and overcome the poor anti-cracking property of textile reinforced mortar (TRM), a new composite was developed, where the engineering cement composite (ECC) replaces the mortar as the inorganic adhesive to bond the FRP textile. The new material is named as FRP GRID/PE-ECC. Currently, the existing studies have showed the potential of application of FRP GRID/PE-ECC in concrete structural retrofitting, while, it still lack of fundamental researches on the mechanism for retrofitting. In this study, the key focus is the mechanism for strengthening concrete columns. The experimental study was conducted for standard concrete cylinder, strengthened with FRP GRID/PE-ECC where new ECC material is served as the matrix. The testing variables are fresh concrete strength and different textile grid, basalt fiber (BFRP) and carbon fiber (CFRP) grid. The uniaxial compressive performance is studied. The test results show that the new strengthening method can improve the crushing failure mode, and enhance the compression strength and ductility.Based on the material property of FRP GRID/PE-ECC, the two-phase strengthening mechanism is proposed in this study, for the development of method to predict the compression capacity of FRP GRID/PE-ECC strengthened concrete cylinder.

Keywords: Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) grid; Engineering cement composite (ECC);Strengthening; Axial compression; BFRP; CFRP

作者:江佳斐等,同济大学 结构工程与防灾研究所,上海

通讯作者:江佳斐,同济大学 结构工程与防灾研究所,上海






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